Tuesday, October 27, 2009

New Hope

New Hope

There is sadness in our hearts
For we no longer know the true meaning of love.
Of what it is to breathe a while,
And to let life live by its own tide
There is no hope, I tend to think
In a world where innocence is lost in a wink.

There is no hope, I tend to think.

Millenium's we lived,
Stars we reached,
Yet for boundaries and bridges,
We are still ready to just kill.
But when I see,
A child share his sweet
With one that is less fortunate
My heart has new hope, new hope to believe.

Our progressive society without much care,
Seems to deprive our children
Of snow clad mountains and a breathful of fresh air
But when I see a child plant a tree
Overlooked by guardians who feel like me
My heart has new hope, new hope of relief.

Is there some hope for a world
Which has lost its own I ask
My answer lies in the hearts of each one
Each one of us needs a new hope.